Hey Modibodi ladies! My name is Jamie Boiskin, I’m a musical theatre and cabaret performer who is performing her show “Ovariacting: A Period Drama” as part of the Melbourne Cabaret Festival.
My show is based off my own experiences when last year I had a 35-day consistent period. I had previously been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (when cysts grow on the outside of the ovaries and can cause irregular periods) as well as Endometriosis (when the tissue that lines the uterus grows outside of the uterus). I spent a hellish 3+ months trying to make my bleeding stop and baffled my gynaecologist who had no idea what was going on. I switched the pill three different times within the span of three months, which made me emotional and very depressed and finally ended up with an IUD being inserted again to try to fix it.
This show came out of my absolute need to talk about my period, and out of the absolute lack of being able to discuss it, due to the stigma and fear around periods. My male friends didn’t want a bar of it (hello? Grow up! It’s only natural!) and my female friends didn’t know what endometriosis was. Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 Australian women, and until recently, the lack of information and education about this, and most discussions around periods, completely astounded me. I am so grateful that we are working towards a sense of open communication and dialogue around periods, endometriosis, and to ending the ridiculously dated and sexist tampon tax #axethetax.
As part of the show, my director encouraged me to look into period underwear. Last year I took a pair of Modibodi underwear out for a test drive, and I instantly fell in love. And what’s not to love? They were more comfortable than my regular underwear, environmentally conscious, and made me feel so much more comfortable when spotting and in between periods. I’ve been hooked, and can’t wait for my audiences to get to feel the awesome fabric and get to experience this underwear!
Speaking up and trying to break down taboos about periods is something I’m so passionate about! Having the opportunity to share my show with people, and keep the discussion going is important to me.
Ovariacting: A Period Drama is being performed as part of The Melbourne Cabaret Festival, on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th of June at 4:30. Tickets can be booked at The Melbourne Cabaret Festival website: http://www.melbournecabaret.com/ovariacting-a-period-drama and Chapel off Chapel website: https://chapeloffchapel.com.au/show/ovariacting-a-period-drama/

11th July 2018 - Jamie updates Modibodi on how her performce went.