Everything you need to know about night sweats
This article was written by Dr Jana Pittman for the launch of ModiCool™ Sleepwear. Night sweats… oh gosh have I been pla... -
Tips for helping PMS symptoms
Let’s face it, everyday life is challenging enough without adding sore boobs, breakouts and mood swings into the mix. So, ... -
Bringing period equity to Tonga with Evalani Pouli
When Evalani first visited Tonga to visit her extended family in 2014, she was struck by the lack of sanitation and toilet... -
How we donated 22,000 pairs of period underwear in rural Laos
When COVID-19 spread across the globe, it had more than one devastating impact. The pandemic and its subsequent worldwide ... -
Modibodi X The Good Box: Periods don’t stop when life gets difficult
Homelessness can often feel like a foreign and distant concept. In reality, it can happen to any of us. Whether it’s losin... -
We’re partnering with the UK Government to help students get access to reusable period products.
More and more, climate conscious students in the UK are ditching disposables and opting for reusable period underwear opti... -
Dixie D’Amelio just announced she has PMDD. Here’s what that means.
If you're a Dixie D’Amelio fan, you might have caught the news that the 21-year-old TikTokker and reality TV star has bee... -
Menopause treatment, signs and symptoms with Dr. Jana Pittman
Approaching menopause? Learn about all about the ins and outs of menopause management, signs and symptoms with Dr. Jana Pi...