No Panic Period
Managing your period or leaks can be tricky sometimes but doing so while also trying to make sense of what's happening in ... -
Q&A With A Doula
We sat down to have a chat with Natasha Weiss, a doula based in California. Natasha’s passion for reproductive health bega... -
What's In My Modibodi?
Modibodi was created to challenge the tired menstrual hygiene industry, and offer the market a reusable alternative to dis... -
Giving Back in 2019
Guess what? Half the Worlds’ population menstruates. These people deserve safe access to sanitary products. While some ma... -
Meet our Bravemumma: Steph Thompson
Here at Modibodi we find ourselves constantly inspired by incredible people who challenge the status quo and shed light on... -
Not-so-fantastic plastic! Join Modibodi in Plastic Free July
Whether you're a Plastic-Free Beginner looking to kick old habits or a Plastic-Free Warrior whose (almost) got Plastic Fre... -
Everything you need to know about discharge during your pregnancy
Got a pea in the pod? Click the link above to learn the facts about what's goin' on in your undies, and what to expect whe... -
How to Donate Modibodi Undies to Women in Need
We are fortunate enough to have potentially the most caring customers on the planet who frequently ask us what they can d...